Wouldn't it be great to know exactly what to do with your dinner leftovers?

Cooking for one.
Maybe you've been super busy with work or studying and you've replaced healthy home cooking with takeout - Because who want's to cook for one, am I right?
If so, it's time to invite a cooking buddy into your life. Let us be your guide from planning to storing leftovers. (We've heard we're great company!)
Just the two of you.
Like lots of couples these days, you might be focusing on individual growth, whilst cherishing moments spent together in the kitchen.
Maybe you're working hard to save money and long grocery receipts and tossing leftovers aren't helping.
Do you want to help the environment but not sure how? We've made it easy, all you have to do is cook along!

Family time.
Or maybe you're growing your family and you want to cook tasty meals that fill their bellies and teach your kids to reuse leftovers at the same time.
Our recipes are structured to nourish your family whilst also helping you set a good example for your kids by creating a more sustainable future for them.
The Toss-Less App creates recipes for your story and takes out the confusion.
Hey Home Cooks.
From the moment we wake up, we think about that which keeps us and our loved ones fuelled...FOOD!
But with busy schedules, finding time to plan meals, do groceries, and cook can be tough. No wonder dinner leftovers pile up, am I right?
We get it...it's a lot! Which is why we want to put your mind at ease.
With us in your pocket you don't have to be a kitchen genius. We know what it takes, let us be your guide and simply enjoy the ride.
Being the first of it's kind, the Toss-Less App has taught home cooks around the world how to transform their dinner leftovers into creative and tasty new meals. Saving them time, money, and helping them play a role in saving the planet too.
We can teach you, too.

Yes, you can save
money & time,
cook tasty meals and help the planet.
We have lazy days, too.
Our App is designed keeping your needs in mind.
You choose your cooking days.
Spread 4 recipes out in a week, or cook 4 days in a row.
Plan your week however you want.
Sometimes you're just too tired.
4 days of cooking leaves 3 days for ordering takeout or going out.
Cook when you feel like it, and chill when you don't.
Imagine what will happen if you continue to toss leftovers...
More time wasted on thinking about what to cook & cleaning out your fridge.
More money wasted on groceries.
More energy wasted on seeing Tupperware pile up in the fridge & tossing out leftovers at the end of the week.
More food wasted, hurting the planet.